28 Week Old Baby Milestones
We feel he's about to walk because he's standing up and balancing well. Babies love to giggle and squeal at your silliness, so might as well milk it before she finds you less hilarious than she does. Infant/Toddler Development Activity Toddler development While most babies (both formula and breastfed) lose weight during the first few days of life, within a couple of weeks they're back to their birth weight. 28 week old baby milestones . How the time flies, doesn’t it? He may even have some eyelashes! Welcome to the third trimester! A 6 week old baby sleeps for about 18 hours a day which reduces as they grow older. We are going to keep tabs on their emotions and feelings of being separated. For example, your little one is now able to open and close his eyes. By week 28, your baby is using their hands in more sophisticated ways—they may clap or imitate wiping off their food tray. She is probably enjoying her solids, working hard learning to crawl and p...